Empower Youth Globally!

Support the Casimiro Global Foundation by helping us empower the next generation of young leaders. Your social impact investment fuels our mission to create transformative growth experiences for young people while teaching them to add exponential value globally.

With every contribution, we strengthen our commitment and expand our resources to make a greater impact worldwide.

​Join us in shaping a brighter and purpose-driven future!

Our Programs

With a focus and preference on emerging young women social entrepreneurs, we are dedicated to create transformative growth and development experiences for youth by empowering them to bring value to the world. We nurture the potential of youth from diverse backgrounds, encouraging entrepreneurship, global awareness, and personal development.

Our Outcomes

Our commitment to development and empowerment is reflected in the substantial outcomes of our various programs


invested in youth-led projects


scholarships for youth around the globe


net monetary value invested in workshops and camps


invested in youth-led projects


scholarships for youth around the globe


net monetary value invested in workshops and camps


Underserved children benefitted


hours of mentorship and service


donations of clothing, non-perishables and school supplies


Underserved children benefitted


hours of mentorship and service


donations of clothing, non-perishables and school supplies

Strategic Alliances - Corporations


"Thanks to the Ella, Inc. Camp I was able to live an experience that changed my life. I thank Casimiro Global Foundation for the work they do and the change they make in the lifes of all these girls."

Audrey (Student - Haiti)

"Since the Ella, Inc. Camp, I have become such a better person with an open mindset. I gained independence, responsibility, friends, coaches, a new way to see life, and more. From the guest speakers to the field trips, and corporate meetings to campus life and having fun, I would not change a thing about the camp. It is just perfect the way it is. It was just another level, the two most amazing weeks of my life."

Natalia (Student - Honduras)

"The Ella, Inc. Camp has been a life-changer and I am extremely grateful for having this opportunity. This is an experience that is engraved in my memories and I am so excited for all the others who will have the same opportunity."

Chloé Laplanche (Student - Haiti)

"The Ella, Inc. Camp has been a life-changer and I am extremely grateful for having this opportunity. This is an experience that is engraved in my memories and I am so excited for all the others who will have the same opportunity."

Chloé (Student - Haiti)

Our Global Challenges

According to UNESCO, more than 300 million children don’t receive a formal education. Girls make up 53% of the global population of children that are out of school. Thirty-nine percent of the worldwide poor have no formal education at all. On a global level, we continue seeing at-risk, vulnerable children being deprived of learning and creating success pathways that lead to sustainability.

Regardless of these global challenges, the Casimiro Global Foundation continues to provide programs and experiences that empower youth to proactively work at designing and creating their own success opportunities.

- Juan Pablo Casimiro

Impact Children Now with Casimiro Global Foundation


Ella, Inc.

Annual Reception

Global Toy Drive

Strategic Alliances - Foundations


Even if you get bitten by an insect!

Strategies And Resources For Business Success

July 26, 20224 min read

Strategies And Resources For Business Success

Even if you get bitten by an insect!

Today, we are faced with some serious viruses that regularly float around us, among the most prominent of which are: anthrax, H5 flu, white fly and of course the ones that threaten our technological operations such as computer viruses!
Let me share that not all virus-carrying insects are dangerous or potentially deadly, in particular, the “E” – Bug, that’s what I call it when the entrepreneurial spirit bug bites you.
This article will enlighten you and let you know that you are never too young to start a business, well, maybe 10 years too old. In this ever-changing and fast-paced society, it is very clear what we are seeing: how children learn fast and how learning and trying new things come so quickly to them.

Social Entrepreneurs

I would also like to add that we are witnessing an increase in business creation within a generation of people 55 and older, it is a very interesting phenomenon to see how a 15-year-old and a 60-year-old are launching into something new even though they are worlds apart in terms of age and experience. I guess you could call it the “E” Bug virus.

The main points I want to highlight in this month’s article is motivation, ideas, visions, and success strategies for a broad audience who are in search of growing their business or are simply considering getting on board in a business start-up. Below is a summary of suggestions that I know are going to help you succeed in business or simply prepare you a little more before you take your business journey.
Explore: Don’t just think over and over about what you want to do, do it! Many times some of us plan for the long term. Work towards being an innovator in whatever you choose to do. I cannot emphasize enough how often I observe parents limiting their own children by not encouraging them to take risks by trying new things.

As adults, we must stop being “dream killers” for our children. Let’s encourage innovation, invention and creative thinking, not only within ourselves but in our children as well. The latter plays an important role during business exploration and in the start-up phase, especially among young people. In fact, entrepreneurs by instinct, are the innovators who are often forced to improvise when necessary.

Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.” – Bill Drayton, Founder, Ashoka

Be a doer, not just a dreamer: Being an entrepreneur requires more than just a good idea! As has been said, “the critical ingredient is to get off your butt and do something,” it’s as simple as that. We all have ideas, some decent, some good, some great, but there are only a few who actually decide to do something with their ideas. Action must be taken, not tomorrow, not next week… today, as an effective leader, a true entrepreneur is a doer, not just a dreamer.
Take a look at the quality feel of this magazine, the photos, the design, the content and the vision. It is no coincidence that the editors of BusinessMag first had a vision, a dream and then shifted into fifth gear as a doer. Like a performance car, you must have the power and stamina to get going and stay on top.
The time is now! There is no right time to launch you, I meet people who say, Casimiro, I really envy you, I’d like to start my own business.” Many times I’m not sure if they are waiting for someone or something to force them to do it. Whether it’s you or your child, you have to realize that there is no right best time to jump in and it’s a mistake to wait too long for something to happen. YOU are the one who makes it happen, don’t wait 10 years to meet the individual who took your dream and turned it into a business opportunity.


In closing this article, 2013 is very timely, as it is passing and ending very fast, visualize success to the fullest, don’t leave it to chance and remember, Rome was not built in a day. If you are an adult or a young person you should consider the bite of the “E” – Bug, and certainly ignite the entrepreneurial spark within you.

To read full article in Spanish, click any link below

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